Befor i begin, im adding My disclaimer here is that I'm typing from my iPod right now so no judging of errors please!
Anywho, so I've been thinking a lot these past few days about what exactly it is that I (and so many others) love about traveling and I think I may have an answer. It's easy to assume that it's the newness of it all, the exciting adventures, amazing views, new sights and tastes, meeting new people and learning from new cultures--- and while all of these ARE amazing, I think for me, it's much more. You see, all of those thongs you could experience on a vacation (or holiday as they say here). But there's a big difference between being on holiday and traveling. Sadly, it's something many Americans never experience but is common place here and most of europe. When I told people back home about my trip, I was met by any number of questions, skepticism, and felt like I had to justify and defend my choice. But here, amongst fellow travelers, we understand. We're all on the same journey!
But I digress. My point is, when you travel, it's like u r part of a secret community. A community where you see someone with a backpack and know instantly that they are in your same shoes and will be your friend. One where people meet in a hostel kitchen and hang out for days after a 2 minute conversation. A world where people help each other out and take care of strangers and ended up being friends--need food? No problem, just check the free food bin since everyone leaving leaves their food for the next traveler. Backpack ripped? No drama (that's Australian for no problem), anyone in the hostel could lend you a sew kit or duct tape since most travelers always have them on them. Charger broken? "Use mine!" Alone for dinner? "Join us!" Headed to new Zealand? "I was just there, let me give you advice!" Off to Vietnam? "I know the best hostel!" finished your book? Grab one from the free book bin. ---we take care of each other and I LOVE this! It's how I wish the "real world" worked--see someone with a need and just befriend and help! So, it's hard to explain in words but I hope I've helped explain a it to my skeptics what it is so much I love about traveling. So, when u r ready, come join me and my traveling community.
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