Wednesday, November 30th, 2011
Familiar Faces
I love Korea! Okay, so in the interest of full disclosure, I’m not actually there yet but I’m on the plane with Asiana Airlines and they’ve impressed me enough to be hopeful for my arrival in a few short hours! The plane is, dare I say it, actually comfortable! Not just less uncomfortable than others, but actually, slept well-plentyofroom-comfortable! To be fair, my judgment of “comfy” may be slightly distorted from months of sleeping in hostels where beds resemble more of sponges with a few springs poking you in key places rather than mattresses, but I’ll take it still! On top of all this, the bathrooms have toothbrushes and toothpaste to use, combs, lotion (you really do need to hydrate on flights, ladies), they give you slippers, free alcohol…let me repeat, free alcohol, warm towels before food, and good food, plenty of it, temperature is nice (although blankets and pillows are provided—the real kind, not the two cotton ball-stuffed scratchy pillows and thin, shammy-like blankets you get on most flights)and friendly, smiling service…SCORE! I also have an empty seat next to me which helps the plenty of room/comfortable state, but still, it’s a daggone good plane. Good on ya, Asiana!
If I had to critique one thing, it would be the film selection. Not great at all, but that’s allowing me to write this blog and organize my photos so it’s not a total loss.
My journey to get to this flight was a bit more stressful than I like but nothing too tragic. I went to bed early(ish) in Christchurch last night after some free homemade fried rice from a fellow traveler in the hostel (really yummy) and my internet running out on me (not yummy). Slept like a log until I had to awake at 3:30 am (never thought that was possible during my teenage sleepiness years, did you mom?!). I don’t mind staying awake until 3:30, have no problems with that. But getting up that early is not nearly as fun. Anywho, I digress. So, got up, snuck out of the hostel as quietly as possible (so as not to wake anyone not because I hadn’t paid. I’m not that desperate…yet, at least) to my shuttle and arrived at the airport around 4am.
As I was walking into the airport, half asleep, I spotted two familiar faces---Lauren and Georgi, two British girls I shared a room with in Queenstown. Turns out we were on the same flight to Sydney and had a row together. It was nice to travel with friendly company, especially while feeling quite nostalgic and a bit sad, having just left two amazing countries and friends behind in OZ and NZ.
(Sorry, girls but I had to!) : )
Flight to Sydney was uneventful and should have been painless to transfer directly to my Seoul flight --didn’t even have to go through customs I was told! This was great news…but apparently I didn’t read the fine print because what they neglected to tell me was that instead of customs, I had to go back through security (that took way too long as they searched my purse THREE times…really? What could I have picked up on the plane?). Then, got to the transfer counter where I discovered a long line, two people working the counters, and the computer system was down. Oh, and did I mention I had to pee really badly? (Ok, so knowing me, this statement probably goes without saying and should just be assumed at all times, but still, adds to the drama of it all)--So much for my free internet, leisurely time in Sydney. By the time I got through all that and to the gate, I had about 10 minutes before boarding. During this time I had to track down a staff member to confirm my vegetarian meal and ask for a seat change since I was seated in the middle of the middle and my tailbone injury is acting up again (thanks to bungy, but totally worth it) so I needed more space. In the end, it all worked out. I got food in the airport, made it to the toilet (I’m not being vulgar, that’s how they say it here), and even had a few minutes to jump online.
Back to being on the plane. Food was good. Too much of it. Am I the only person who can’t seem to ever plan out food portions right while traveling? I either have WAY too much or WAY not enough. Today is the too much side and my bloated tummy is not appreciating it at all. But I always feel like I don’t know when my next meal will come so I have to eat while I can. Normally I’d save it for later, but can’t bring food in customs. So I harbor my inner hibernation powers and eat while I can to store up on food in hopes that it will last until my next meal. Again with the digression.
Flight is going well except for being entirely too homesick for friends and family (my new NZ playlist complete with John Mayer and Coldplay ballads is not helping the matter either—thanks a lot Chad!) I spent a good amount of time looking through familiar faces on my ipod, getting a bit too nostalgic to be in a public place where people could see my tears….luckily it’s dark and everyone’s sleeping so noone noticed. I am realizing now, as I type this sentence, that I just called myself out though…dope! I suppose it’s a good thing to miss loved ones. No matter how many places I go to and wonderful things I see and do, it all comes back to the ones I miss and love…that’s YOU! : )
Excited to land in Seoul, South Korea and high-tail my butt to Daegu to (hopefully) make it in time for Baby Lucy’s arrival! Can’t wait to see familiar Hatch family faces and meet the newest little one!!!! Ta ta everybody!